Wednesday 27 May 2009

my favourite piece of technology! :D

My favourite piece of technology is my music player. I got it 2 years ago with the money of my first job, I decided it was the best way to spent that money :D. I saved the most part of the music that I like (I couldn't save ALL of course), and also some videos (it's a mp4).
I always use it while I'm traveling. It's my way to relax, because everyday I spent 2 hours in the subway, and I use it when I ride my bike or while I'm running. Running and ride my bike listening music are one of my favourites things to do. I like it because I can't live whithout music, and I like use it when I'm on my own. I never go out of my house without it. My life would be a little boring if I would not have it. If you ask me it is one of the best invention of technology. :)

Wednesday 13 May 2009


Hello! I'm Paula, I study Veterinary Medicine, and live in Santiago with my parents and my brother. I also live with these two dogs, Dolly and Mara, who are my partners in everything :). Something I can tell you about me...I love listen Music, especially Rock & roll, I love tv, and painting, I study this career because all I want since I was in school is work in a zoo, that's my dream.

I really don't know what is like have a blog, but maybe it could be fun, and it's and oppurtunity to know about my classmates and try to learn english.